Power Systems Test Case Archive


Last Update: August 1999

The UW Power System Test Case Archive provides World Wide Web access to power system data (test cases). The site is maintained by Richard D. Christie, an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. Send submissions, questions and requests to christie@ee.washington.edu. In extremis, telephone (206) 543-9689. (But, please read this entire page first!)

To use the archive, select the test case that interests you, then select the appropriate parts of it. If you have selected a text file, its contents will appear on your browser. At this point, use the File Save As… option to download it. Other file types will invite you to save them when you select them.

Disclaimer and Content Policy

This archive is operated voluntarily as a public service. No guarantees of any kind regarding the correctness, currency, functionality, usability or any other attribute of the archived material can be made. Use at your own risk.

Material in the archive is intended for purposes of research and education, not for commercial gain. Material that is known to be copyrighted or proprietary will not be accepted without specific permission from the owner. Copyrighted or proprietary material that inadvertently appears in the archive will be removed as soon as its status is called to the attention of the archive maintainer.


Submissions to the archive are encouraged. Submissions are screened before they are placed in the archive. People sending submissions will be credited! To submit, send email with your submission attached to christie@ee.washington.edu. Please put Archive Submission on your subject line. (More information on submissions.)

Archive Contents:

What You See Is What You Get

If there is something you would like, such as a format translator, a 30,000 bus power flow test case, or a power flow test case with convergence problems, and you do not see it in the archive, then the archive does not have it and does not know where to get it. If you find it elsewhere, or write one, you can be of service to others by submitting it to the archive.

Not A Full-Service Archive

The archive is Web archive only. Data is distributed only by Web page download. The reason is that this way, you do most of the work and somebody else picks up the tab. Sorry, I just do not have the time or the resources to distribute data in any other way, and will have to refuse any requests to do so.


rdc 8/99