POC: Li Wei (liw10005@engr.uconn.edu) Here are the shell scripts for channel information acquisition test. In this test, by sending out packets in different lengths with different modulation modes and transmit power levels, the brief channel information can be obtained from the receiver side. As shown in attachment, SUB_PKT.SH is a script which can generate a string in specific length which filled with random numbers and information including time stamp, transmit power level, transmit mode, packet length and packet serial number. The RUN_CHINFO.SH is the main script of the test, and at the beginning of this file, there are some parameters to be set. These parameters can determine the range of configurations that will be tested. CFG_OFDM_38400.KSC is a configuration file for kermit to configure the serial port. Before you run these test scripts, please put them in the same folder and make sure you have installed ckermit on the MCU or PC which is controlling the OFDM modem. The channel information test can be started by inputting the following command: sh RUN_CHINFO.SH 5 where the integer 5 is the number of packets to be sent with a specific configuration. You can choose other values. After you copied these files to the MCU or PC controlling the modem, please check the content with command vi. If you find ^M at the end of each line, it was because these files had been edited in Window. You can use the following commands to get rid of these ^Ms: mv temp sed 's/.$//' temp >>