EE566 ns-2 Assignment

For each of these excercises, in addition to answering the questions below, please e-mail your Tcl script as an attachment to:

Exercise 1: Routing

Write a Tcl script that forms a network consisting of 7 nodes, numbered from 1 to 7, forming a ring topology. The links have a 512Kbps bandwidth with 5ms delay.
Set the routing protocol to DV (Distance vector). Send UDP packets from node 1 to node 4 with the rate of 100 packets/sec (using default packet size). Start
transmission at 0.01. Bring down the link between node 2 and node 3 at 0.4. Finish the transmission at 1.000. Then run nam to view the results. Answer the
a. What path does the packets follow initially? and why?
b. What path does the packets take after the link fails? and why?

You can download a skeleton file below.

        set ns [new Simulator]

        set nam_file prob1.nam
        set nf [open $nam_file w]
        $ns namtrace-all $nf

        # Create the topology
        # Frist, the nodes

        # Create the connection

        # Set the routing protocol

        # Now create agents and attach them to the appropriate nodes

        # schedule transmitting packets

        # Bring down the link between nodes 2 and 3 at 0.4


        # Final wrapup
        proc finish {} {
                global ns nf nam_file

                $ns flush-trace
                close $nf
                exec nam $nam_file &
                exit 0
        $ns at 1.00 "finish"

        $ns run

Exercise 2: Multicast (Note the change in the question)

Create a network which looks like the following:


All links are 1 Mbps, 5 ms delay.

Choose DM (instead of CtrMcast) as the multicast routing protocol for the experiment. Node 0 is a UDP source for group 0
and node 2 is the source for group 1. The sources will start transmission at time 0.05. Nodes 3 and 4 will join the multicast group0 at times 0.10 and 0.12,
respectively. Node 3 will leave the multicast group at 0.5, and then join group1 at 0.6. The execution will terminate at 0.8 . You can use the skeleton file below.

        # Create event scheduler
        set ns [new Simulator]

        set nam_file prob2.nam
        set nf [open $nam_file w]
        $ns namtrace-all $nf

        # Create the topology
        # First the nodes

        # Make the links

        # Use the following to make the orientation right.
        $ns duplex-link-op $n(0) $n(1) orient right
        $ns duplex-link-op $n(1) $n(2) orient right
        $ns duplex-link-op $n(2) $n(3) orient right
        $ns duplex-link-op $n(1) $n(3) orient down
        $ns duplex-link-op $n(1) $n(4) orient up

        # Create the multicast groups

        # Choose the routing protocol

        # Create the UDP agents and tie each to the corresponding multicast group
        # create cbr traffic, attach to the udp and schedule their start

        # Schedule join/leave events

        # Final wrapup
        proc finish {} {
                global ns nf nam_file

                $ns flush-trace
                close $nf
                exec nam $nam_file &
                exit 0
        $ns at 5.0 "finish"

        # Start the simulator
        $ns run

Exercise 3: Analyze Bandwidth Share of TCP and UDP Traffic

It is equivalently important to understand the ns-2 output trace format and have some knowledge on how to extract relevant information.  This exercise is dedicated
to familiarize you with ns-2's output format, in particular by trace-all, and techniques to do trace post-processing.

Topology: Use the simple.tcl example discussed in class, but first swap the source/destination of udp1 i.e. make its source be n1 and destination n3.

As a result of running ns on the modified simple.tcl, we obtain an output file "". It contains information of all packets enqueued (+), dequeued (-), received
(r) and dropped (d).

a. Modify the simple.tcl (name this, say, simple1.tcl)  so that
    - there is only one UDP/CBR flow (i.e. do not start the second UDP/CBR flow)
    - start the two flows (1 TCP and 1 UDP) at the same time 0.1 s
    - run the script for 6s.
Extract information from the "" file and compute the total bytes of TCP (tcp) and UDP (cbr) traffic over link 2-3 for the duration of the simulation. Then,
compute total TCP and UDP/CBR traffic in bytes and ratios of TCP and UDP/CBR to the total. Finally, Comment on the bandwidth share of TCP vs. UDP/CBR.

b. Modify the simple1.tcl file (name this simple2.tcl) so that
    - there are two UDP/CBR flows
    - start the TCP and the 2 UDP flows at the same time 0.1 s
    - run the script for 6s.
Extract the information from the new file and recompute the parameters above. What do you notice?

Note:  Fill in the blanks according to your understanding of trace format in the following awk command for computing the total bytes of TCP or UDP traffic

          awk '$1=="r" && ??==2 && ??==3 && $5=="??" {a += ??} END {print a}'