4th IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks

In conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013, Madrid, Spain

Submission website: http://edas.info/N14019

[Welcome]    [Submission]  [Camera Ready Instructions]  [Organization]    [Program]     [Keynote]

Keynote sponsor:



Welcome to D-SPAN 2013, the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (D-SPAN). The workshop focuses on research developments related to data security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks. This workshop solicits papers from two main categories: (1) papers that consider the security and privacy of data collection, transmission, storage, publishing, and sharing in wireless networks broadly defined, e.g., MANET, cellular, vehicular, ad hoc, cognitive, and sensor networks; and (2) papers that use data analytics to address security and privacy problems in wireless networks. The workshop provides a venue for researchers to present new ideas with impact on three communities – wireless networks, databases, and security.

The list of topics includes, but not limited to,

• Secure Localization and location privacy

• Privacy and anonymity in wireless and mobile networks

• Secure query processing, data collection, and aggregation for wireless sensor networks

• Secure and private data streaming

• Key extraction, distribution and management in wireless networks

• Secure data processing in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET)

• Secure data collection in body-area networks

• Throughput-security tradeoffs in wireless networks

• Wireless and mobile security for health and smart grid applications

Click here to download the pdf version of the call for papers.

Important dates:

All deadlines are at 11:59pm EST (GMT-5)

Paper submission:
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Camera ready version:
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Submission will be managed electronically through EDAS. Paper submission website is http://edas.info/N14019.


We welcome original, unpublished manuscripts for 6-page papers inclusive of all references and figures. Papers should report completed results and must not be previously published elsewhere or currently under review for any other publication. Vision papers and descriptions of work-in-progress are also welcome as short paper submissions (4 pages).

  • Papers must be written in English, and formatted according to the WoWMoM Proceedings format.

  • Your submission must be in PDF format. Whatever text processor or formatter you use to write your paper (LaTeX, Microsoft Word, FrameMaker, etc.), please convert the output to PDF before submission.

  • Submission must be limited to 6 pages (short papers limited to 4 pages), single spacing, double column, and must STRICTLY adhere to the template format.

  • The font size used in the text of your submission must not be smaller than 10 points.

  • We must be able to print your paper once it is submitted. Due to the large variety of systems available for formatting papers and producing PDF, this is not always possible for some systems. To maximize the chances that your paper will print correctly, please use only standard printer fonts (e.g., Times Roman, Helvetica, etc.) or standard TeX Computer Modern fonts; other fonts may be used but must be included in the PDF file. The use of standard printer fonts is strongly preferred over TeX fonts, if possible.

  • The paper must be able to print clearly on standard black-and-white printers. Reviewers are not required to view your paper in color.

  • Each accepted paper needs to have a registration to the workshop/conference (a no-show will result in exclusion of the corresponding paper from the IEEE Digital Library).

Please direct any questions regarding paper submission to d-span2013-chairs@edas.info


General Co-Chairs

•   Guevara Noubir
                Computer and Information Science
                Northeastern University
                Boston, MA, USA
                noubir at ccs.neu.edu

•   Krishna Sampigethaya
                Boeing Research and Technology
                Seattle, WA, USA
                radhakrishna.g.sampigethaya at boeing.com

Program Co-Chairs

•   Levente Buttyan
                Department of Telecommunications
                Budapest University of Tech. and Economics
                Budapest, Hungary
                buttyan at hit.bme.hu

•   Loukas Lazos
                Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
                University of Arizona
                Tucson, AZ, USA
                llazos at ece.arizona.edu

 Steering Committee

•   Sajal K. Das, University of Texas at Arlington (Chair)

•   Radha Poovendran, University of Washington, Seattle

Program Committee

•   Gergely Acs, INRIA Grenoble, France

•   Basel Alomair, KACST, Saudi Arabia

•   Tansu Alpcan, The University of Melbourne 

•   Yannis Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece

•   Erik-Oliver Blass, Eurecom

•   Mauro Conti, University of Padua

•   Reza Curtmola, NJIT

•   Roberto Di Pietro, Università di Roma Tre

•   Yuguang Fang, University of Florida

•   Murtuza Jadliwala, Wichita State University, USA

•   Albert Levi, Sabanci University, Turkey

•   Ming Li, Utah State University, USA

•   Donggang Liu, UT Arlington, USA

•   Di Ma, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA

•   Ivan Martinovic, University of Oxford, UK

•   Melek Önen, EURECOM, France

•   Kui Ren, SUNY at Buffalo, USA

•   Tao Shu, Oakland University, USA

•   Patrick Tague, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Program: PDF    




Keynote: Selected Protocols for RFID Security and Privacy,

Refik Molva (EUROCOMM, France)


Coffee Break


Session 1: Wireless Network Security and Privacy (Chair: TBD)

Malleability Resilient (Premium) Concealed Data Aggregation
Dirk Westhoff (Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany) and Osman Ugus (Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany)

Confidentiality and Availability Issues in Mobile Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks
Roberto Di Pietro and Stefano Guarino (University of Roma Tre, Italy)

Malicious traffic analysis in wireless sensor networks using advanced signal processing techniques
Alexandros Fragkiadakis and Ioannis Askoxylakis (Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Greece)

Authorization Framework for the Internet-of-Things
Ludwig Seitz (Swedish Institute of Computer Science,Sweden), Göran Selander (Ericsson Research, Sweden), and Christian Gehrmann (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden)


Lunch Break


Session 2: PHY-layer Secrecy and Wireless Protocol Security (Chair: TBD)

Preventing Wireless Network Configuration Errors in Patient Monitoring Using Device Fingerprints
Joe H. Novak, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Neal Patwari (University of Utah, USA)

Efficient PHY Layer Security in MIMO-OFDM: Spatiotemporal Selective Artificial Noise
Özge Cepheli and Gu ̈nes ̧Karabulut Kurt (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)

Collision-free Jamming for Enhanced Wireless Secrecy
Joaö P. Vilela (University of Coimbra, Portugal) and Joaö Barros (Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal)

A Blueprint for Switching Between Secure Routing Protocols in Wireless Multihop Networks
Marc Werner (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Jörg Kaiser (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Matthias Hollick (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Elias Weingärtner(RWTH Aachen University, Germany), and Klaus Wehrle(RWTH Aachen University, Germany)


Coffee Break


Session 3: Security for Vehicular Networks (Chair: TBD.)

Towards a Secure and Privacy-preserving Multi-service Vehicular Architecture
Nikolaos Alexiou, Stylianos Gisdakis, Marcello Laganà, and Panagiotis Papadimitratos (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

Vehicle Tracking using Vehicular Network Beacons
Karim Emara, Wolfgang Woerndl, and Johann Schlichter (Technical University of Munich, Germany)





Speaker: Refik Molva (EUROCOMM, France)

Title: Selected Protocols for RFID Security and Privacy  

Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and systems based on those wireless devices raised a number of issues for security and privacy and rightfully attracted the attention of security researchers for several years. This talk will browse through selected areas of RFID security and privacy by re-visiting some of the protocols that were developed as part of a multi-year research project. Two of the protocols, a lightweight authentication scheme and a technique for product tracking with RFID tags will be discussed in detail.